Regarding the week.
Stella Sawyer
to me

I know you didn't ask for this and neither did I. We're both doing our best, right? I'm trying to be more communicative, now I have a better idea of what's going on. This past week was a difficult one around the entire city, a lot going on and not much of it good. We are used to helping, so we tried. The details aren't important, but everyone came out the other side worse for wear. Of the three of us, Johnny (your Liam) got the worst of it. We've been taking care of him, but I figured you should be warned. You're the doctor here, so I know he's in good hands.

It's unclear to me if changes I may experience are the same for you. For example, last month my powers were lacking but now I regained some. Have you been experiencing any bouts of invisibility? I apologize for the lack of warning, if so. Believe me, the first time I experienced it, it was difficult. You're obviously capable and intelligent, so if you've already figured it out feel free to ignore. However, if you're struggling with controlling it at all, the key is concentration. It's not the most helpful or clearcut answer, but that's truly what it comes down to. Partway through the week I also started regaining another — I don't know if you are familiar with psionics? If not, it may be a good idea to look into it. While not as immediately disconcerting or noticeable as turning invisible, I am (and by extention, perhaps you are) able to project psionic force — think force fields, very helpful. Another situation where practice, training, and concentration are the only real ways to approach control.

Do you have access to F.R.I.D.A.Y.? She has scientific breakdowns of exactly what's going on with all of this. Does any of it sound familiar to something you've experienced?
